• Detailed Organisational Chart
    Institutional Performance_Tools

    Structuring work processes of an              
    institution in several balanced work

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  • Job Position Structure
    Institutional Performance_Tools

    Establish closed links between each job      
    category and its related various
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  • Master Plan Design
    Institutional Performance_Tools

    Define the strategic directions for the        
    implementation of a specific public  
    policy or a core business
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  • Integration
    Institutional Performance_Tools

    Define norms and policies in a more          
    integrated manner

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  • Service Provision Simplification
    Institutional Performance_Tools

    Reduce steps of service delivery process      
    to save time and others resources

     Make a request  

  • Performance Benchmarking
    Institutional Performance_Tools

    Assess and compare the productivity  and
    the quality of services among similar
    institutions working in the same field
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