We work for wealth creation and the autonomy of local communities in the fields of green energy, green economy and green home

Green Tech Initiatives services aim at providing people from small local areas and neighborhoods communities with capacities to get their own autonomous systems of energy and water supply at least cost and using existing natural local resources (solar, wind, running water, hot water, biological items.) while keeping the biodiversity safe and the natural environment clean and green.

Green Energy

Green Energy

A set of green energy projects and facilities for implementation:

  • Facilities led by solar energy
  • Solar water heater from recycling
  • Bio gas in daily life
Green Economy

Green Economy

A set of local projects and initiatives for wealth creation and local people well being:

  • Local human capital centers
  • Recycling for local development
  • Processing neighborhood centers
  • Local centers for storage & supply
Green Home

Green Home

A few projects and initiatives for green home construction from :

  • Natural resources available in each locality
  • Waste recycling from each locality