We work for good projects implementation with regards to human nutrition and water solutions
Optimize plant growth in a small surfaces, use soilless farming techniques
Use a tailored set of methods, equipment improving local livestock farming
Engineer pump with local resources to get access to drinkable water from nearby rivers
Take advantage of water shed with a tailored set of methods, equipment and partners fitting the needs of each locality
Fight flood with a tailored set of methods, equipment and partners fitting the needs and the expectations of each water challenge
Protect and purify environment with fully biological wastewater treatment plants
Maintain the living plant collections of different varieties of plants, including the ornamental and cultivated ones, wild, medicinal, of economic importance
Keep food fresh longer with easy storage methods and partners appropriate to each context
Transform local crops into essential foods, create a local food transformation industries
Set up centers enabling application of professional standards of conservation, packaging, supply and delivery of local products
Create local communal commercial center to meet the local food demand and supply
Assist local communities accessing drinkable water with a tailored set of methods, equipment and partners fitting the needs of each locality